EQUINE CLICKER TRAINING..... using precision and positive reinforcement to teach horses and people |
Measuring Our Progress
Melissa M This was originally posted to the clickryder list when the sender was reflecting upon how far she and her mare had come. I asked her if I could post it here as it is a great list example of how all those little things add up, as well as a good list of things to do in preparation for starting a horse under saddle. Some people worry that clicker training seems to take so long as you have to break everything down into little steps. But look at how much you can do if you keep working away at it. I've been thinking lately that its been just about a year since Ruby came to me. (The piles of snow reminded me...) She came as a naive, opinionated, pushy, bargy, somewhat nerve wracking 2 year old. She knew nearly nothing. She didn't lead (if you weren't already going where she wanted to go). She knew nothing of moving away from pressure. This usually became most obvious when she was about to run over you, and you couldn't get her to consider moving over or back. She'd never done anything but stand in a field, and every now and then, she was walked 50 ft to the barn. She came as a very smart, cute, feisty filly with an opinion on everything. Her favorite default.html behavior was rearing. Too much pressure, up she went. If she didn't want to go left when you did, up she went. (I too started to get desensitized to rearing...) She knew nothing of manners. I took up clicker training about 2 weeks after she arrived. And in the past year she's learned:
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